• Book a prenatal consult to have a thorough session with an IBCLC to address all of the questions and concerns you have about your upcoming lactation journey.

  • If your baby has arrived and things aren’t going as you expected, or if you have hit an unexpected bump in the road, book your initial consult to get the support you deserve.

  • If you have had an initial visit and need additional checks or to rework your care plan, book a follow consult. These can be done in person or virtually.

  • Returning to work after having a baby can feel like a looming barrier to your journey. Book a consult to create a personalized, detailed plan including information for pumping, caregivers, milk storage, bottle feeding, and workplace requirements.

  • Weaning is a journey in and of itself, no matter the reason you are weaning or the age of your child. Book a weaning consult to create a personalized care plan that fits your circumstances and focuses on your goals.

  • Do you have questions you’d like a professional opinion on, but don’t need to fully add another person to your care team? Book “just a conversation” with me and I will answer your questions and provide relevant resources, without the need for a full intake history or follow up plan. Since this option requires less prep and follow up on my end, it is priced at $30 an hour and all are done virtually.

  • Yes! I am able to accept insurance for most Blue Cross PPO, Blue Shield PPO, Anthem PPO, Cigna PPO, Humana PPO plans, and all PNOA plans through The Lactation Network - click here to see if your insurance covers visits with me! If it does, it will cover 6 visits total, and you can use the first of those for a prenatal consult.

  • The pandemic is ongoing, and transmission precautions are a normal part of my practice to protect your family as well as mine. Virtual consults are available as the safest option, and I will be masked and use PPE for all in person visits.

    I am fully vaccinated and boosted - I have been breastfeeding since before the pandemic started and received a booster while pregnant and while tandem nursing. If you would like to discuss your concerns about COVID-19 feel free to reach out or see the ABM COVID-19 Resource Page for more info.

  • When I come to your home, I will be masked for the duration of the visit. I will remove my shoes upon entering if you request it, and I will promptly wash my hands when I arrive. I will use gloves if there is a need for any physical contact, and all of my equipment is sanitized between visits. We will sit wherever you are most comfortable - it is your home, and I am there to support you. I only need enough space to place a baby scale if measuring their weight, and I am comfortable sitting on the floor. I have two kids and know what life with a baby is like, I promise you I am not bothered by your house looking like people live in it.

    We will discuss your concerns and questions, do a weight check, and observe a feeding if necessary/possible. We will work together to create a care plan for you to keep, and I will send you follow up resources for any topics that come up during the visit. Initial visits are typically 90 minutes, and follow up visits may be as short as 30 minutes depending on what we need to cover.

  • I am able to accept insurance for most Blue Cross PPO, Blue Shield PPO, Anthem PPO, Cigna PPO plans, and all PNOA plans through The Lactation Network - check coverage for your plan here. If your visits are not covered by insurance, you will pay by the end of the visit with cash, check, or card and I will send you a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

    I do not charge you anything directly for visits covered by insurance. For visits paid out of pocket, my rates are:

    $200 for an initial in-home consult

    $150 for a follow up in-home visit

    $150 for an initial virtual consult

    $125 for a follow up virtual consult