About me

dyad [ dahy-ad ] noun: consisting of two elements; an ongoing relationship between two people

Welcome! My name is Bryn Pearson (she/her) and I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). After having my first son in 2019, the reality of how little support is given to new parents hit hard - although I made up half of our breastfeeding dyad, I felt like my needs fell through the cracks because my baby was doing fine. I set out to become the kind of provider I needed when I was a new parent and throughout this journey, I’ve made sure to value both parts of the dyad: the baby AND the parent. You matter, regardless of how you provide milk for your baby. When you hit bumps in the road, I am here to help you find solutions that work for your whole family.

My background is in environmental education - I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Education and later began a master’s in sustainability, but after writing a paper about sustainability and breastfeeding, the intersectionality and nuance of the topic had me hooked, so I switched to the IBCLC track! I completed UC San Diego’s IBCLC Pathway 2 program in 2021 and took the IBCLC exam the following spring.

I like to view things first through the lens of what is normal for humans as a species, both globally today and throughout history. Lactation is a normal biological function that is guided by many instincts and reflexes, but often impeded by social stigmas, economic factors, and a lack of systemic support. It may be natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s effortless, or that you should be able to do it without support and education. As a lactation consultant, my role is not to tell you what to do or decide what’s best for you, but rather to give you enough information for you to confidently make empowered, informed decisions for your family.

In my own breastfeeding journey, I have dealt with engorgement, clogged ducts, mastitis, high newborn bilirubin levels, using an SNS (supplementary nursing system), tongue and lip ties, donating milk, harvesting colostrum, tandem nursing, and more. I’ve experienced a lot and learned about even more, and I’m excited to see wherever your path takes you! If I am not the right fit for your needs, please see my resources page for links to find a better fit or ask me for recommendations. The field of lactation only succeeds if we collaborate, and I am not offended if you ask to work with someone else. There are many sources of support for lactation and I am glad to help you find the kind that you need!